Levitation Photography by our tutor Ion Paciu

We've been asked by many of our students to teach them how to take surreal photographs so we decided to put together the levitation photography Workshop. Here are a few levitation photography images taken recently by our tutor Ion Paciu, he will teach these amazing photographic technique on our next workshop which will take [...]

Student Profile – Paul Blake

Paul Blake As professional photography tutors we see so much talent and potential come through our London Digital Photography Courses. Today we are looking at the stunning work of Paul Blake who has joined us for a Beginners Photography Course and two 1:1 sessions with Ion. All of the images [...]

Product Photography Workshop

The 10th of April saw the latest instalment of our Product Photography Workshop take place at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo. This intimate workshop gave 4 students the opportunity to learn from a professional photographer how to create high quality pack shots and product images using simple studio lighting.   [...]

FAQ London Photography Courses

Frequently Asked Questions If you are considering one of our London Digital Photography Courses, we know you may have a few questions or worries as to whether the course is relevant for you, and whether you have the right equipment. We have put together the following frequently asked questions to [...]

Masters of Photography Henri Cartier-Bresson

Masters of Photography Henri Cartier-Bresson Today’s Masters of Photography blog looks at the father of modern street photography Henri Cartier-Bresson. From his first exhibition in 1932 to his death in 2004 Cartier-Bresson was a huge influence in the world of photography, and as you will see by the images in [...]