Today we are extremely proud to announce the winners of the 2018 Photoion Photography Awards.
If you’re not aware, each year we produce the Photoion Awards Book to celebrate 50 of our students who have taken incredible images.
It’s always a challenge to choose the 50 entries, and even more difficult to settle on the winners, and this year has been no different. It feels as though each year we say it is more difficult than the last, but this year has been more challenging than any other. So much so that we just couldn’t settle on 50 images.
So the 2018 Photoion Awards book is going to include 70 images!
So of all those people, who are the top 3 students that we picked out?
In 3rd place is Aleksandra Dziewa with the photo ‘Picnic in the middle of nowhere’. Aleksandra has won a £150 to be used on any of our photography courses.

‘Picnic in the Middle of Nowehere’ by Aleksandra Dziewa
In 2nd place, we have Alexandros Charovas with the photo ‘Your eye UP’.

‘Your eye UP’ by Alexandros Charovas
Alexandros has won a £250 to be used on any of our photography courses.
And the 1st place winner of the 2018 Photoion Photography Awards is Anabell Sandoval with the beautiful photograph, ‘Sync’. As the first place winner, Anabell has won a £400 voucher to redeem against any of our courses.

‘Sync’ by Anabell Sandoval
We are amazingly proud of the work submitted by each of our winners. Every year the quality and quantity of submissions increases, and we are always so amazed by the work that they share with us.
If you want to get your hands on a copy of the awards book, head here:
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