How did the Fashion Lighting Masterclass day pan-out?
As you may or may not have known, this provided an opportunity for the highest set of skills to be revealed, with this one-off, amazing Fashion Lighting Masterclass. The objectives were outlined from the outset; the attendees were to be shown how they can achieve stunning images with the cheapest portable studio lighting equipment on the market: 3 Chinese Speedlites/Flashguns cost under £100. As you know, enthusiasm is contagious, and how can Ion avoid being enthusiastic about what he loves!?! The enthusiasm caught on, and shortly after the signs of curiosity were there too. It is understandable, who wouldn’t be curious about how you can get £8000 worth results with some Chinese cheap speedlites / flashguns.
Well, the day started with the preparation of some very expensive Profoto Studio Lighting equipment; special thanks to Chris for this. Meanwhile, the make-up artist and the stylist began preparing the model for the shooting. To summarise, this consisted of choosing the make-up, selecting the outfits/garments and then following this we were able to discuss other aspects regarding the Fashion Lighting Masterclass. The details of how the day was going to unfold were explained, as usual, by Ion. He was able to give detailed insight into the planning of the day and the Fashion shooting that would take place.
Presentation time
Ion presented the equipment and explained the agenda for the day. Naturally the conversation progressed onto the topic of cameras, camera lenses, and which are best for fashion photography. Also, part of the introduction session involved the image review and assessment/s. One of the most helpful exercises of the day for our students was when a variety of images were presented back, and explained in full detail. The explanation that was given for these photographs look at the composition of the lighting equipment used and the accessories.
Our preparations were drawing to their final stages, the lights were on, the triggers had been tested and were now ready, and of course the make-up artist and the stylist were making the final perfecting touches.
We also love it when a plan comes together, and it was coming together nicely. It was noticeable how keen everyone was to start, and who could blame them? This was a unique demonstration and everyone had the opportunity to take part.
Ion designated the impossible task of trying to control everyones spirits, to himself. The desire to start things moving was so evident it was untrue.
Time to start
Everyone was now ready. Each and every student had received their radian trigger and had mounted them on their camera/s. This gave them the ability to trigger the lighting with their own cameras.
The atmosphere was truly fantastic, it was electric as they say. The lighting was being used and changing at quite a pace. People were able to shoot with great speeds and it was clearly evident that our mornings preparation had paid off. In total there were 9 people shooting, one after the other, using the same lighting, however, it ran incredibly smoothly and there were not incidents or failures. Ion’s approach proved successful yet again.
The end result
The thing to focus on now was the model and the posing; they were great! As a result of their abilities we were able to get some really efficient and interesting photographs. We have already mentioned composition, but we need to emphasise that this was of the upmost importance, especially because we were in a courtyard and we wanted the end result to be ‘cool’. The end result was cool.

Student in action capturing images using chienese cheap replica speedlites / flashguns – the lighting setup was very simple but effective.
As you would probably expect the excitement came back, only this time it was to see the end product/s. As usual, Ion was calm and relaxed setting the flashguns in the right position – 3 Speedlites were used on stands together with some shapers.
Flashes were positioned and then it came to settings. Ion clearly explained the settings required – he set his aperture at f5.6, 100 ISO and 1/160 shutter speed. He then took his test shot. The image was spot on. Everyone set their cameras with the same settings and the second session began! Surprise, the images were the same, exactly the same no difference. There is no need for our words at this stage, the images will speak for themselves.
Take your own incredible images on our fashion photography workshops.

The end result: the comparison, cheap speedlites / flashguns versus poerful expensive studio lighting.
The end
Everyone was very happy with the achievements of the day. Shopping lists were then created consisting of equipment, brands and the places to purchase these tools and accessories. The day closed as usual, you guessed it, the group shot; the favourite image of the day.
What students say
Anne: “Thank you so much for an absolutely brilliant lesson last Saturday, it was awesome!!! I learned so much about lighting and the results were amazing. My head is still buzzing and I’m looking forward to use what I took away from the course at my work place.”
Richard: “Thank you Ion and Chris! You did a really great job with the lighting workshop on Saturday. It proved exactly what I was hoping; that it is possible to travel with a really portable setup and take studio quality photographs outdoors without causing disruption or attracting attention like a full lighting setup. Thanks again and best wishes”
Nageen: “Thank you for an amazing experience.I enjoyed the lesson a lot, you really make learning easy! The whole team did a wonderful job and put in a lot of effort to make it a perfect class in every way.”
What do you think? Are you intrigued to learn more about the Speedlites/Flashguns? Want to learn to work smarter not harder when it comes to your photography?
Feel free to check our workshop timetable and book yourself on our Speedlite Photography Course.
What are your thoughts on this Fashion Lighting Masterclass? Please share your feedback with us on our Facebook page.
[…] April, we ran an experimental Masterclass. In it, we proved that the same results can be achieved using Speedlites, as can be by using far […]